Our Story
It all started in the Fall of 2014 when two San Francisco-based therapists, heart-broken by growing loneliness, violence, and inequality, decided to create spaces of connection and belonging - on the sidewalks. On May 7, 2015, twenty eight listeners took to the streets.
As people heard what we were doing in San Francisco they wanted to do this in their town too. So Sidewalk Talk the nonprofit was born. We raise a little money to keep our website and backend services going so you can take this idea and make it your own. We are intentionally decentralized. All chapters are autonomous entities but share the same values and ethos, to create more human connection, inclusion, and heart-centered listening. Reach out directly to your local chapters by first signing up to be a listener and then contacting them directly to learn more. Don’t see a chapter in your area? That means it is up to you to start one. We share how we did it so it is easy for you to go for it.
Watch Our Story
Why Sidewalk Talk?
Listening changes your perspective, fills you with hope, fills your story sharers with hope, soothes frayed nerves, improves mental health, reduces loneliness, increases inclusion, and reminds us that people are good despite what the media pumps out about humans every day.
Sidewalk Talk is an intentionally decentralized collection of people doing amazing work in autonomous self-directed projects. We have provided all of the information you need to begin. Our hope is not to grow an organization but to plant seeds that can grow organically depending on your location and resources. You have many ways you can choose to organize.
Join us and;
Learn to be a better listener.
Practice listening across differences.
Shift personal biases and assumptions.
Belong to a caring community.
Increase personal wellbeing and joy.
Create a connection-focused world.
Non-Profit Status
Sidewalk Talk is a tax-exempt non-profit entity who is operating under the fiscal sponsorship of Social Good Fund, Inc.
The Science of Loneliness & Connection
There is a lot of research on loneliness, connection, and listening. We lean heavily on current science and we are conducting our own academic impact studies.