Donate In Honor of a Friend
Donate In honor of great friends and connectors in your life.
$10 and We Will Send a Personal Email To Your Loved One
$25 and We Will Send a Personal Card Through Snail Mail to Your Loved One
We will thank your friend from you.
"I made a donation to Sidewalk Talk, a global listening and connection non-profit, in your name. Why? Because you are someone I want to thank for being such a great connector and listener. Thank You! "
Come back to this form and give again to celebrate all the connectors you love. We do not add your loved ones to our mailing list.
We’ve seen some amazing growth in 2019!
Since our last Giving Tuesday celebration, we have…
Expanded to support 92 communities around the world with heartfelt empathy and intentional friendship.
Trained over 7,000 people to become listening volunteers -- That’s almost enough people to fill the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium.
Aided the well being of over 12,000 anonymous community members who asked our volunteers to listen to their stories -- That’s about as many people as it takes to fill Sleep Train Pavilion in the East Bay.
Referred over 400 people to free and affordable mental health services -- That’s about how many people can fit inside San Francisco’s Great American Music Hall.
We have had a great year and now need you to sustain our transformational work.
Here are more details about how we put your investment to work.