Minnesota Chapter Indoors at their local library

Thank you for registering your interest in becoming a listener.

The instructions to access the Listener Dashboard will land in your inbox within the next 2 hours.

We're thrilled that you're taking the initiative to hone your listening skills within your community. At Sidewalk Talk, we're dedicated to equipping you with all the knowledge we've acquired so that you can truly make a difference.

Please take note: by engaging in this practice, you assume your own risk. While we're sharing our expertise with you, it's essential to understand that you are solely responsible for matters such as liability and insurance. We will teach you how to be safe and responsible.  The rest is up to you. 

What is arriving in your inbox soon:

  • A FREE PDF Copy of the Let’s Listen Guide

  • A FREE HOW TO Guide for Listening on the Sidewalk with Friends

  • FREE Videos How To Listen on the Sidewalk

  • An Invitation to the PRIVATE Listener Facebook Group

Get ready to dive into a world of possibility! Keep an eye on your inbox for the link to your listener dashboard—you have the chance to create a world of belonging and connection. Thank you for making a difference!

Want To Take It One Step Further? Donate Below To Access The Sidewalk Talk Listener Training Program!

Donate to the right to access our Sidewalk Talk Listener training program (a $29 value).

Heart-centered listening requires practice 

Even the most compassionate among us can struggle with heart-centered listening if they haven’t learned the skills behind this practice.

Our founder, psychotherapist Traci Ruble, has worked with a variety of communication experts to develop Sidewalk Talk’s Listener Training Program to equip our Listeners to: 

  • Connect with others 

  • Understand how emotions impact the body 

  • Set boundaries when listening to guard against empathy fatigue 

  • Handle crisis situations 

  • Be inclusive and work on bias 

  • And more!

Our trained listeners further activate our mission.

"We Are All In This Together".  It is special to not rely on corporate money. Your generosity allows us to do what we do. Without everyone pitching in Sidewalk Talk would not exist and continue to:

  • Reach new isolated communities and people around the world

  • Offer ongoing support for new locations to start up

  • Maintain our website, podcast, and other vital resources that support our mission