The world needs more listening, now more than ever. Every small action you take to cultivate listening as a human value, not just a business skill, the more inclusive, healing, and kind our world becomes. Even if listening on public sidewalks is not your jam, there are many ways to celebrate all the listeners, for 8 years, who have taken small steps to bring this sacred act of listening back to our communities, to social media, to our families.
May Activities
Download the pdf and engage in Daily Acts of Listening or Subscribe to the Google Calendar Here. Share your daily acts on social media and tag @sidewalktalkorg. We want to celebrate you.
Tell Others.
Download, print, and post these signs in windows and storefronts all over your town. Email to your local mayor’s office and even your local newspaper and tell them why listening is important to you.
Wear Your Pride.
We polled a lot of you listeners and asked “What message would make an impact?” and you said you wanted the slogan “The World Needs More Listening”. Artist, Ziv Ming Li, is donating a design to us all.