Sidewalk Talk Podcast


The second and fourth , come hear wisdom about connecting as our guests are interviewed by therapist and Sidewalk Talk founder, Traci Ruble.  When we hear each other we change the world by creating belonging, inclusion, and wellness.

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Breathing Room and the Power of a Pause | Jamie McHugh
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Breathing Room and the Power of a Pause | Jamie McHugh

Did you know that you can use your breath to activate your body and become more receptive in connection? In this episode, Traci will have an in-depth conversation with Jamie on the breathing room and the power of a pause.

Jamie McHugh is a somatic movement specialist, a multidisciplinary artist, and a fine art photographer. He lives on the Mendocino coast of California. Listen in as Jamie shares his journey into becoming the person he is today, and he will give some essential pieces of information that we all can take home to make the world a better place for all of us.

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Music to the Soul | Dr. Elliot Gann, Today’s Future Sound
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Music to the Soul | Dr. Elliot Gann, Today’s Future Sound

Growing up the child of two psychoanalysts, it wasn't much of a surprise when Dr. Elliot Gann succeeded at becoming a well trained clinical psychoanalyst himself. However, his ability to combine his passion for producing music and making beats with his skills as a therapist, did come as a surprise— particularly for parents who had never considered the magic it could work in the lives of their children.

Today, Elliot sits down with Traci to talk about beatmaking therapy and the work done by his organization, Today’s Future Sound. He shares the motivation behind his work and some impactful moments from his time working with students.

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Are You With Me or Against Me? | Dr. Laura Delizonna, Stanford University | Google’s Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI)
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Are You With Me or Against Me? | Dr. Laura Delizonna, Stanford University | Google’s Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI)

What could trust-building mean for creating lasting change? —Today’s guest and Stanford University instructor, Dr. Laura Delizonna, has some insights on the subject that will inspire and ignite you. 

An international speaker, executive coach and author, Dr. Delizonna’s work on emotional intelligence and her partnership with Google sprouted non-profit SIYLI has been used by leaders around the globe. 

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Race, Inequality, and Mental Health | Dr. Jennifer Mullan, Decolonizing Therapy
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Race, Inequality, and Mental Health | Dr. Jennifer Mullan, Decolonizing Therapy

In today’s podcast episode Sidewalk Talk, guest and consultant Dr. Jennifer Mullan, talks race, oppression, and systemic inequality in the field of therapy and mental health. Traci and Dr. Mullan explore what the process of healing from ongoing trauma might look like for black, brown, queer, and indigenous people and how we can all work to create space and help to mitigate privilege as therapists, allies and friends.

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Connecting with Transgender Youth | Dr. Vinny Chulani
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Connecting with Transgender Youth | Dr. Vinny Chulani

Award winning adolescent medicine and children's gender support doctor, Veenod Chulani knows better than anyone the importance of communicating your heart when connecting with members of the LGBT community.

Today, Dr. Chulani sits down with Traci to talk about connecting across gender without assumption. He shares what he’s learned while advocating for LGBT and transgender populations and how we can all start to evolve into a more equitable society for all people.

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Conscious Co-working | Susan Madsen
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Conscious Co-working | Susan Madsen

Could the workplace serve as a springboard for creating lasting societal change?

Today’s guest, Dr. Susan Madsen, wrote the Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership. She’s dedicated her career to helping women develop and make lasting impacts on their organizations and the world. Hear directly from her why confronting issues of racial and gender bias can start in the workplace and spread like wildfire throughout our greater ecosystems.

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Making Space for Others With Street Connect | Janille Hill
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Making Space for Others With Street Connect | Janille Hill

Janille Hill’s work with her organization, Street Connect is doing something similar to what we’re after here at Sidewalk Talk. Sitting down with strangers on New York City park benches, she’s on a mission to share the importance of connection and acknowledgement.

A mother, dancer, life coach and listener— Janille has dedicated all areas of her life to connecting with the core of her being. She shares with Traci what she’s learned on NYC streets about vulnerability, connection and the power of practice. As a woman of color, she shares how she maintains an open heart in the wake of draining connections. Highlighting the importance of also staying in constant connection with yourself, she shares how she stays charged and recouperates.

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The Link Between Story, Connection, and Productivity | Yamini Naidu
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

The Link Between Story, Connection, and Productivity | Yamini Naidu

Yamini Naidu was an economist fully immersed in corporate life when she was introduced to the power of storytelling. Today, she's helping businesses and leaders around the globe to use business storytelling to create the kinds of heartfelt connections that produce lasting results.

Joining Traci, Yamini shares why productivity and connection are better off when they’re working hand in hand. She dives into what she's learned from corporate life about human nature and our undeniable need to engage. Yamini makes the case that without connection, people and businesses focused solely on metrics and data are putting themselves at a disadvantage.

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Shadows and Light | Atiaf Alwazir
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Shadows and Light | Atiaf Alwazir

Atiaf Alwazair is many things. Hopeless isn't one of them.

Based in Brussels, Atiaf is an activist, researcher, writer and mother using joy and memory to protect, uplift and empower the people of Yemen.

In this conversation with Traci, Atiaf opens up about the motivation behind her work and insights into the vibrant Yemen she knows. She shares her personal journey to achieving effective hopefulness and the importance of finding joy in the midst of tragedy.

Listen in for an opportunity to adjust your lens as Atiaf offers a snapshot of Yemen— sharing her love of Yemeni mint and pomegranate shafut and some of the daily traditions the world often overlooks.

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Wholly Human | Omar Davis
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Wholly Human | Omar Davis

Have you ever spoken to your inner child? Or just wondered what you might learn if you did? For Omar Davis— creating space for those conversations reshaped his life. A health educator and mental health advocate, Omar Davis’ work is centered around empowerment and creating meaningful conversations in communities. Today, listen in for Traci’s conversation with him on opening up to possibilities, leaning into vulnerability and reprogramming your mind. He shares his journey of developing an unshakable sense of self and constant connection with his inner child. Also, hear why he says a good old fashioned donkey cry might be just what you need.

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Depression and Ungrieved Futility | Marty Cooper
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Depression and Ungrieved Futility | Marty Cooper

Do we have depression all wrong? In times of decreased connection— out of necessity or not, how do we start moving in the right direction and reaching out for what we need from ourselves and each other?

Today’s guest, San Francisco based therapist, Marty Cooper shares his insights on how depression can take root and why society at large may be looking at things wrong. He shares compelling insights into human survival and the role depression might play as a security mechanism. Traci shares a recent experience with grief and gains a deeper understanding about her own needs for connection. Also, hear why the unseen impact of connecting with strangers on sidewalks matters more than you could ever know.

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Heart, Empowerment & Effective Action | Joan Blade
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Heart, Empowerment & Effective Action | Joan Blade

Could heart, empowerment and conscious effectiveness be the pillars to aligning as society and making progress on the issues that matter to us most? Joan Blades, co-founder of Living Room Conversations— a divide healing organization, thinks it's a great place to start.
As the founder of political groups like and MomsRising, Joan knows a thing or two about bridging political divides. She also has a wealth of experience in mediation, with her background as a practicing lawyer and as the author of Family Mediation, a book on the subject of navigating divorce.

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Better Angels is Putting Out the Political Polarization Fire | John Wood
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Better Angels is Putting Out the Political Polarization Fire | John Wood

How do you speak truth from a place of love and compassion? Gift yourself the tools you need to bridge racial, economical and political gaps with today's episode, featuring John Wood of the Better Angels organization.
The biracial son of two culturally and economically opposite parents, John Wood has spent the better part of his life connecting across categories. The former Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County and nominee for congress, now works as a national leader for Better Angels- a grassroot organization uniting political parties and opposing populations around the country, founded by internationally renowned therapist, Dr. Bill Doherty.

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A Golden Civilization | George Kinder
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

A Golden Civilization | George Kinder

How do we ensure the structures and institutions within our lives reflect the values that we know to be true and good? What would it look like if we were to achieve a Golden Civilization devoid of the harmful tendencies we engage in daily?
George Kinder, known well for his work in financial life planning and spiritual practice combines the two in his latest work, A Golden Civilization & The Map of Mindfulness. He dives heart first into a conversation with Traci on what it would mean to approach transactions with the same mindfulness that governs our everyday lives. Listen in to hear George’s insights on defining and achieving freedom, independence. He shares the importance of taking action in all aspects of our lives, from quiet moments of meditation to vocal political movements.

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The Sixth Stage of Grief | David Kessler
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

The Sixth Stage of Grief | David Kessler

The path to navigating loss and grief, became illuminated when David Kessler and Elisabeth Kubler-Ross wrote On Grief and Grieving, giving us the five stages of grief most of us are familiar with. Today, he expands and recenters this renowned concept with the release of his new work, Finding Meaning.

David sits down with Traci and talks about his journey to the field of thanatology. He shares how the loss of his mother as a child and the sudden death of his 21-year-old son have shaped his life and the way he continues through the world. They explore how we can best support those in our lives that are experiencing grief while ensuring our own well being. Learn the impact finding meaning can have on what remains after collective loss, the end of a relationship or the loss of a loved one.

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Navigating White Privilege | Parker Palmer
Podcast Traci Ruble Podcast Traci Ruble

Navigating White Privilege | Parker Palmer

When it comes to privilege- knowing the difference between righteous and self-righteous speech can make all the difference when you’re communicating what's in your heart.
Today, I’m joined by Parker Palmer— nationally recognized educator, author and social change activist. He shares his thoughts on white privilege and how it can inhibit our connections when left unconfessed. We discuss the work of Ibram Kendi and explore what it means to be an anti-racist.

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